Without your effort, it would have been impossible to accomplish this wonderful work. Thanks for accompanying me, and for trusting this Project which, without doubt, has produced such good results. And now let’s go for more! Because growing means providing well-being to our union members and their families; because by growing we make our beloved institution great. Warmest regards!
Bareko Bariloche Hotel, which belongs to the Union of Workers of the Textile and related industries in Argentina (SETIA), is a brand new option in Bariloche. It offers 18 rooms equipped with best services and latest technology, as well as functional common areas which show great attention to detail. Both architecture and design have contributed to the hotel transformation, which has been not only structural but also aesthetic, clear and well-planned.
Our Hotel also features heating, telephone, Wi-Fi internet connectivity, safes, bar and cafeteria, ski lockers, internet access room, TV room, massage room, games and reading room, parking area, barbecue area with grill, and breakfast room.